Draft SelectPlane/pt-br

Draft SelectPlane

Veja também
Draft -> Utilities -> Select Plane
Bancadas de trabalho
Draft, Arch
Atalho padrão
Introduzido na versão
Veja também
Draft WorkingPlaneProxy


The Draft SelectPlane command defines the current Draft working plane. This is the plane in the 3D view where new Draft objects are created. A working plane can be based on one of several presets or on a selection. The selection can be created before (pre-selection) or after (post-selection) starting the command.

introduced in version 1.0: For each 3D view a separate working plane is stored.

The button in the Draft Tray changes depending on the current working plane. introduced in version 1.0: If the working plane is not set to Auto an asterisk (*) is appended to the button label if the origin of the working plane does not match the global origin.

Shapes created on different working planes

Usage with pre-selection

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the button in the Draft Tray.
    • Draft: Select the Utilities → Select plane option from the menu, or from the Tree view or 3D view context menu.
    • Draft: Use the keyboard shortcut: W then P.
  3. The working plane and the button in the Draft Tray are updated.

Usage with post-selection

  1. Invoke the command as explained above.
  2. The Working plane setup task panel opens. See Options for more information.
  3. Do one of the following:
  4. Click anywhere in the 3D view to confirm the selection and finish the command.
  5. The working plane and the button in the Draft Tray are updated.

Usage with presets

  1. Invoke the command as explained above.
  2. The Working plane setup task panel opens. See Options for more information.
  3. Press any of the buttons to finish the command.
  4. The working plane and the button in the Draft Tray are updated.




See also: Preferences Editor and Draft Preferences.


See also: Autogenerated API documentation and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

introduced in version 1.0:

The WorkingPlane module offers two classes to create working plane objects: the PlaneBase class and the PlaneGui class. The second class inherits from the first. Objects of the PlaneGui class interact with the GUI (the Draft Tray button), the 3D view and the grid. PlaneBase objects do not.

Use the get_working_plane() method of the WorkingPlane module to get an instance of the PlaneGui class linked to the current 3D view. The method either returns the existing working plane linked to the view or creates a new working plane if required.

import FreeCAD as App
import WorkingPlane

wp = WorkingPlane.get_working_plane()

origin = App.Vector(0, 0, 0)
normal = App.Vector(1, 1, 1).normalize()
offset = 17
wp.align_to_point_and_axis(origin, normal, offset)

point = App.Vector(10, 15, 2)
projection = wp.project_point(point)

The PlaneBase class can be used to create working planes independent of the GUI:

import WorkingPlane

wp = WorkingPlane.PlaneBase()